• Scroll down to find the Cheng Man-ch'ing section for articles on his life, his lasting influence on Tai Chi and what makes his 37 step form very 21st century

  • ➠ What are the best 10 Books on Tai Chi in the Universe?

    ➠ What are the best Tai Chi books written by teaptomonk

    ➠ What are the worse Tai Chi book covers in history?

  • Short articles on varied aspects of 21st century living from another perspective:

    ➠ The art of Music

    ➠ The art of politics

    ➠ The Art of the Martial

    ➠ The art of gifting…

  • A brief look at a few people that have left us with ideas for thought and action

    Alan Watts

    Anthony Guilbert

    ➠ Bruce Lee

    ➠ Jim Kelly

  • What happens when you feed a series of questions about Tai Chi , philosophy and life into an AI algorithm, then compare those to a humans response? Can you tell the difference?

  • Yes, there is more yet - see the selection here.

Cheng Man-ch'ing & the Tai Chi Short Form

the tao of living


The Hipster Influencers